Happy Birthday in Heaven, Pop!

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Miss you Pop!

I can’t help but wonder how you’re spending your birthday in heaven. Are you sitting with your buds telling war stories? Hopefully, they are listening better than your daughters did on that hot muggy summer afternoon in Florida, years ago!

Remember that day, Dad? Your five ‘little girls,’ as you loved to call us, gathered in a circle around you with our chins cupped in our sweaty palms… our eyes glued to yours. You pressed the record button on the taping device, cleared your throat and began. Seconds into your story one of us asked a question. You answered graciously. But as you proceeded, there was one interruption after another and your patience finally wore thin. You shook your head, leaned forward in your chair and hit the ‘stop’ button, reluctantly. You never did get to finish your story, did you, Pop?

Well, here’s hoping that today, the 4th of July, your birthday… you finally find a captive audience to listen to your  complete war story, uninterrupted!

Holding the memories of all our yesterdays close to my heart.

Happy birthday to one hell of a firecracker!

Always and forever,
Your little girl…

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