Just for Today…

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Think about how you can create the life you dreamed of. To do this, you will need to set aside some “me” time in your day. Find a quiet spot and get comfortable. (Having a journal or piece of paper to write your messages on is highly recommended.)  Now that you are settled, take a few breaths. With each exhalation, set your intention to release past thoughts of the day. Good. Now take one final breath. As you exhale, imagine a gentle river of peace running through every muscle, organ and atom in your body. Breathe. Drop into your heart and ask yourself, “What do I want to create?” Listen carefully to your heart as it broadcasts the answer, peacefully and succinctly.The heart doesn’t lie. It’s where our truth is centered.  Jot down the message or messages you receive. Take another breath, center yourself again and ask, “Is there anything I need to let go of in order to create my dream?” Jot down your answers. Lastly, ask, “What are the first steps I need to take in the process?” Again, jot down the answers. Congratulations. You are now on your way of creating the life you dreamed of. Open your eyes, read your notes, step into the field of infinite possibility, feeling it wholly and completely. Take action!

Two thoughts I’d like to leave you with:




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