Just for Today…

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Find a few minutes when you can sneak away from the hustle and bustle and just “be.” Recharging your battery is vital to your health and well-being and allows you to think more clearly.

I’m speaking from experience here folks. Yesterday, I started my day off with a beautiful meditation. Filled with peace,  I sat down at the computer to tackle my to-do list.  But thirty minutes later, I hit one obstacle after another.  By noon, the effects of meditation waned and my nerves were twisted in knots.  Needing to unwind,  I strolled into my bedroom to meditate again. I breathed. Then I breathed deeper releasing my angst, sounding like the Little Engine That Could as he puffed his way to the mountaintop. Finally, my breath softened,  the body relaxed and I was able to continue my day.

There are many ways to just “be.” Meditation just works for me. And it beats pulling my hair out, one strand at a time.








One thought on “Just for Today…

  1. Meditation helps to keep me balanced and slows me down from racing around both in mind and body, too, Pattie. When I don’t meditate, I feel like I’m a giant ice ball rolling down the side of a mountain, gaining momentum, out of control and threatening to crash into some thing in my path. Breathe deeply with your eyes closed for a few minutes at the very least. It is amazing how much that helps.

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