Unpublished Books

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Life is filled with unpublished books.  Every person has a story.  Some courageously put theirs to verse; others tuck theirs away, sharing them with a select few when the precious moment is ripe.

Sitting at Starbucks, sipping on your coffee, focused on writing the written word, a complete stranger drops her bod in the seat next to you, breaking your trend of thought. You raise your cup, whiff the java’s bold aroma, trying to resurrect your fleeting ideas. But the whimpers and body language coming from the person next to you, shifts your focus. Filled with compassion you reach out, gently touching her knee, asking, “Are you ok?”

Broken words begin to sputter, and her quick introduction gives you a glimpse into her life. She continues, painting a picture of the vivid characters playing an active role in her saga. Some seem realistic, others believable, others not, yet you listen.  Without taking a breath, her life chapters begin to unfold, and events start rolling in.  A connection is made.

Tears stream, Kleenexes wipe away the wetness, but not the pain.  She catches her breath, finds her words, and carries on. Like turning the pages of a great suspense novel, she takes you through her captivating, expressive, sometimes outlandish and completely off the charts journey. You’re hooked. Together you laugh and cry, now sharing a box of Kleenexes.

Catching her breath, you rise from you seat to purchase another cup of coffee, but this time, you order two.

Braced on the edge of your seat, you encourage her to continue.  She lures you in, tightening her line, reeling you closer, as she brings you to the pivotal point of her story.  Filled with emotion, trying to digest her words and unable to sit, your knees lock. But you can’t stand for long.  Thirsting for more, you take up your previous pose.  Bright-eyed, fully present, you probe her to finish.

Soon her anxiety drops, her words soften, and you both reach for your cup of coffee. She pulls together the loose ends, your bodies relax and silence prevails.

Checking her watch, she apologizes for having to leave so abruptly.  You hug, making false promises to keep in touch.

Pledging you to secrecy, she bolts to the door, walking out of your life forever, leaving her footprint behind.

Just as your life is enriched and entertained by reading powerful, enlightening, heroic and tragic stories from the bookshelf,  it can be enhanced by opening your heart, and listening to riveting stories from a complete stranger. When opportunity knocks, take the plunge into uncharted waters, and you may discover the next New York Times Bestseller, “The Unpublished Book.”

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