Mysterious Angels

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By James F. Johans

During freshman year of college, Nancy and I were returning late at night to her home from a party.  We were both inebriated.  I was driving an old loaner car — her Dad’s car was being repaired.  I was driving south on I-270, going about 70 mph.  She was sitting next to me on the front bench seat.

Right before the Manchester exit, suddenly the right front tire blew!  The car immediately began veering towards the guardrail on the right.  To avoid a crash, I jerked the wheel to the left.  This caused the car to go into a spin, and the centrifugal force threw Nancy across the seat into the passenger door.  The door flew open and Nancy was thrown out of the car!!  We must have been going at least 50 mph by then!

The car spun around 2 and a half times, forcing me down the seat, almost under the steering wheel.  The car came to rest against the guardrail with hardly a bump, sitting on the shoulder of the freeway facing oncoming traffic.   Two large tractor trailers whizzed by as I struggled to sit up and look for Nancy.  I knew she must have been killed having been thrown out of the car — might have even been run over.  I was scared to even look down the highway as I raised my head and peered through the windshield.

She was running towards the car!  Not a scratch on her!  Not a bruise or a head bump!  Ejected at 50+ mph!  She said that she had just rolled along the ground.  Not only did the angels catch her and save her life, they also helped me to not get arrested when the state police arrived!


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