Saying Goodbye

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After spending three uplifting, fun-filled days with my sister, Mary, the time I dreaded, refused to give attention to finally came.  For me, Charlie Brown best describes the feeling in that moment. “Saying goodbye makes my throat hurt.”

My wish for all of you is that when an opportunity presents itself to “make memories” with a loved one your response is “yes”. If your throat hurts at the end, count your blessings. It means you made the most of every second between “hello” and “goodbye”.



Years ago, we became sisters. Then, something magical happened… we became best friends.

Pattie (left), Mary (right).

6 thoughts on “Saying Goodbye

  1. So many of your posts bring tears for me. This is so true…my sisters are the greatest and would always be there to support me. Thanks

    1. Sisters are the greatest. They know us inside-out and still love us unconditionally. Doesn’t get much better than that!

  2. Pattie,
    Just seeing this! I SO LOVE it! Am sitting here in tears, missing you and our daily routine. Every visit becomes more precious. Every good-bye becomes harder.
    But, I always leave feeling like I’m walking taller with an extra bounce in my step and my spirit has been lifted. Thank you for all that you have ALWAYS been to me!

  3. I can relate to every word and joy you express. I have two sisters by blood and birth. And I have two sister “by and in law.” I love and treasure them in my heart, and in every moment I can spend with them.

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