Earth Angel: Lucky

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By Eileen Mankin

Lucky, our special Miracle Dog, came into our life January 21, 2010 when we found him at the animal shelter.  You see, we had moved to North Carolina and the time had come when we were settled in our new home and ready to find that “special” dog for our family. I believe that Divine guidance was in place from that moment on as we searched at several shelters, many web-sites, and than finding his picture on Petfinder and deciding to make the trip to the shelter 50 miles away to see if he was the right one.

When they brought out this sad, bedraggled, soiled and matted little guy with these big eyes, he stole our heart. His condition was such, due to being abandoned for 3-4 weeks by his previous owner and left to fend for himself before neighbors realized that no one was feeding or caring for him.  He was picked up by the Humane Officer, who told us that he jumped right up in her truck when she found him….no need to capture this hungry, lonely, abandoned fella.  He was than sitting in this over-crowded “shelter” facility, with only food and water provided, as he sat in his cage day in and day out for a month, waiting to find a new home, and three days from being put to “sleep.”  Unfortunately, they had no money to examine and treat any conditions that had befallen him.

I believe that our desire to have a dog and falling in love with his face as we met that day, seemed to have protected us from all the ills we found he had within the next few hours, as he was examined by the veterinarian.  That did not even phase us, as they gave us the update at the end of his physical, of his problems from head to tail, and there were many, but especially the Heartworms that were identified. Yes, I must also tell you, that we picked his name for him as we drove from the shelter to the doctor.  Little did we all know how “Lucky” we would all be over the next few months and even to this day!

Our first question was, “What can we do to get him healthy to start his treatments to see if we can destroy those heartworms.”  It was recommended that we get the other ills taken care of first, and than we would discuss when the “injectable treatment” would begin. Treatment began within a few weeks and we were made aware of the serious complications that could occur, but we felt we wanted to take care of this as soon as possible to prevent any further damage to his heart, and so onward we went.

Unfortunately, a few days after his first injection, he suddenly collapsed and we rushed him to his doctor, arriving with a barely breathing, unresponsive Lucky, and handed him over to a very qualified team at our veterinarian’s office. He was diagnosed with throwing a Heartworm Clot, and unbeknownst to us, they had never received a dog still alive from this very critical complication from his first injection.

My husband and I were devastated and found it so difficult to leave our new family member that day in such critical condition.  No one knew if he would survive this, and so home we tearfully went with prayers on our lips and in our hearts, for our new found friend.  We could not even hold him, possibly for the last time, as they were so diligently working over him behind the closed doors.  As a nurse, I knew by the faces of the staff that this all was so critical, and I had to entrust them with him at this time, and to God.  We went home and called friends telling them the circumstance and asking for prayers and support….and it was done. A miracle was in progress, and we did not even know it.

Unbelievably, about five hours later, they called and wanted to know if we wanted to come to pick-up Lucky to take him to the Emergency Hospital for observation overnight or to take him home and care for him, and than bring him back the next day for further observation and treatment. This routine would be repeated over and over again for about a week until he was stabilized. I did not even think twice as I responded, “We are taking him home and we will be at his side if he has any problems….I would rather we have time together, than he take a turn for the worse and die in a hospital without us.”  Maybe my response was such, since I was not only a Registered Nurse, but had spent the last 3 years as a Hospice Nurse, and had learned from this experience that some things are just left in God’s hands.

Our Lucky, survived this traumatic situation, as well as others over the next few months, recovering slowly from them all. With frequent special loving care from our veterinarian and even an emergency trip to Cary, NC he is now a happy, well-adjusted, (well, almost!) full of life“Shelter Dog” who is our 4-Legged Miracle. He is Heartworm free, has gained 12 pounds and has resolved all of his beginning health problems that he came with to us that special day Jan 21, 2010.

He loves to run and take walks with his family and especially enjoys his daily walks every morning with my husband.  Riding in the car is another fun time….always looking out the window and bringing a smile to others as we pass by.  He knows when we turn to visit our very special friends, Charley and Veda, and begins to wag that tail until we arrive, for he knows he will be greeted with great love and enthusiasm, and most of all treats!  Lucky truly knows how to love life and to help others to smile too!

He has received such love and compassion from others as they have cared for him over the past 19 months and has returned every bit back to all.  He makes friends wherever we go, be it with big people, little people or animal…..always wagging his tail so fast, inviting lots of love and petting….and than giving a quick lick to their toes and off to his next encounter!!  The most frequent remark from those who meet him is, “OH, look at those big eyes and that face…he looks like a person.  What kind of dog is he?  Lucky’s DNA testing says he is Bassett and Schitzu….we say he is our special friend.

I know he was brought into our life to to bring us happiness, companionship and most of all, unconditional love everyday, and it is returned 100-fold back to him….but most of all, Lucky is our best friend, our Hero, and our 4 –Legged Miracle Dog.


By Eileen Mankin



2 thoughts on “Earth Angel: Lucky

  1. What a sweet story. The love that’s given, if it comes from the heart, is return in large quantity – even if it is from a four legged friend. I’m delighted to read about the joy you brought into each other’s lives.

  2. Thank you Jackie for your comment. It is so true how the love for one another just passes back and forth and keeps growing between us and our dogs …and so unconditionally!! I love how “Lucky” wants to go out early for his walk, and my husband is drinking his coffee and reading the paper …….there he is, barking and barking to rouse him up, and than when that doesn’t work, he goes over and lays on his feet and naps until my husband responds to him. Ever so patient….and than shaking all over and wiggling and jumping and kissing and so happy when the preparation begins for that coveted morning walk with his “man.” I never tire of watching that interaction!! Can you imagine, how our spouses would react if we responded in same way? HHMMNNN!

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