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When life throws you a curve ball and you’re struggling to hold matters at bay, what are the first words of advice you receive from a friend? “Surrender and trust.” You know they’re right. You let go and give it over. Days go by and nothing happens. Frustrated, you take your problem back, pray harder and scream louder. And the cycle continues.

The next time that happens, reflect on this story of our feathered friends. They have so much to teach us humans about trust.        

The bluebird’s offspring cry out for her mama, their bellies empty. IMG_7698






Mama bluebird hears her brood’s chatter waft through the air.  She longs to respond to their call immediately, but can’t. She’s busy gathering food for her young. One minute turns into the next and the little ones wait. Finally, mama returns. Joyous tweets bellow outside the weathered box knowing their needs will soon be met. As mama regurgitates, feeding her young, the chirping wanes.


So next time you are faced with a trust issue, pull up these pictures in your mind. Remember your cries are always heard and your needs are always met. Sometimes we just have to give time, time.



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