New Beginnings

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First off, Happy New Year everyone!

Today’s new moon is considered a supermoon, when the moon is closet to the earth and in direct alignment with the sun and earth. There will be five supermoons in 2014. This one and the one on January 30th. The other three will be full moons.

New moons are new beginnings, an opportunity for letting go of the past and stepping into alignment with your authentic power. Yes! It’s the best time of the month to reflect on what you want to create  and put it out there.

There are many different ways in which you can go about this, as noted below. Pick the one that speaks to your soul or create your own, and let the process begin.

  • Jan Spiller, New Moon Astrology, says “write your petitions down by hand; do not write more than 10 wishes; then date the list and put it away.” Trust the process. The universe wants to make you happy. If your wish doesn’t come true, keep repeating it, or watch to see if an unexpected benefit comes in its place.
  • Lynne Everatt, Deb Mangolt and Julie Smethurst have a great exercise,“Get on Board” in their book Drink Wine and Giggle that not only talks about the power of creating a vision board but also walks you through the steps. This is quite powerful, especially for those who are visual.
  • Wayne Dyer, Wishes Fulfilled, talks about the foundation of creating your dreams–feeling it! “Make your future dream a present fact, by assuming the feeling of the wish fulfilled.” Neville, 1944.
  • Sonia Choquette, author, talks about the importance of connecting with your heart to see if your desires are aligned with your highest good. Center yourself on something in the room or outside your window. Take a few breaths. Place your hand on your heart. State your intention aloud and sense how it feels. Is your heart in resonance with the wish or does it feel off? If it feels off, you may need to tweak your intention. Once you feel a positive vibration bursting from your heart you will know that your intention is in perfect rhythm with your soul’s purpose.
  • Shamans do a fire ceremony to celebrate new and full moons by blowing their intentions into a stick and then placing them in the fire. You can also do this ceremony using a candle. Blow your intentions into a toothpick or write them out and burn them under the flame.

Here’s to manifesting your dreams in 2014!!! The possibilities are limitless! Have some fun! And if doubt even tries to rear its ugly head, tell it to take a hike!

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