A Tribute to My Dad on Father’s Day

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Today signals memories of the past –  lengthy conversations, laughter, the comfort and joy of hearing your voice, and knowing you were just a phone call away. I know you are surrounded with all your heavenly friends and family, and together you are celebrating your remarkable journey on earth. Please know, I too am rejoicing you, yet wishing for one more Father’s Day… one more kiss… one more hug… one more magical moment with” you”- my friend, my hero, my Pop.

Thank you for being an integral part of my life’s journey, adding richness to every twist and turn, filling thousands of pages of my book with your guidance, support,  compassion and sweet priceless Daddy love.  Miss you Pop.  Miss hearing you sing “Thank Heavens for Little Girls.” Miss you clutching my head in your infamous football hold, rocking me in your loving arms saying, “How’s my bird-dog?”  Miss hearing your stories of the past: Navy Captain in World War II; Welek Fabrics – your need to stretch your wings, break loose from the past, and create your own destiny; digging up the neighbor’s tree late at night, replacing it with yours because his tree had a straight trunk and yours was crocked; memories of old friends who came and went, their impact on your life, the lessons you learned; sharing your “egg” story and the importance of keeping life simple; painting pictures of family memories – precious stories held captive in your heart; and so many more.

Miss seeing you in your rocker, gazing into nature, recharging your soul and giving thanks for the beauty of mother earth. Miss you watching your birds, and being drawn into your heart-felt wonder for God’s magnificent little creatures. Just like the birds, destined to fly, the time came for you to fluff your wings and take flight.

Miss you so much, Pop, but am grateful for a heart full of memories embossed with your name that I will always carry in my heart.

Happy Father’s Day…
Forever and Always,
Your Bird-Dog

2 thoughts on “A Tribute to My Dad on Father’s Day

  1. How incredibly sweet and tender this tribute is to your daddy. It brought tears to my eyes for I can feel how much you miss him. But it also made me realize the intense bond between a father and daughter can never be broken, even if they physically are not present. He will always walk beside you, making you strong so you can continue to grow into the magnificent woman God intended. And when it’s your turn to go home, he will be waiting with open arms once again. Truly lovely, Pattie. I know he’s looking down on you and is so proud!

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